The Instruction for Mama & Baby Yoga, Maternity Yoga

Baby's age: 2months old to 15months old (after stable neck to before starting walk)
In this class a Mom and a baby deepen a mutual love and trust each other by the physical contact. A mom tightens an loosened pelvis for the pregnancy and delivery, and unties a strain of shoulderes and arms which hardened by the nursing and carrying a baby. Also a mom develop a basics physical strength and muscular strength necessary for child care while playing with a baby.
For a baby, we begin with a massage from mom, making baby yoga pose stimulates his/her muscle in a good balance. A baby loves the dynamic movement with mom! Mom gets a motivation with the smile of your baby!
The baby yoga raises the immunity of baby and promotes the hormone of mom by the physical contact.
In addition, this is kind of community class for mom and baby, a lot of information exchanges are carried out flourishingly. Let's refresh the mind and body in yoga!
Free blanket is available but please bring your baby towel or blanket to spread on the top, baby toys or formula if neccesary. You can also nurse or change a diaper anytime in a class, participate at the pace of the baby.
*Ask doctor if you had a C-section or have any postpartum issue.
赤ちゃんはママからマッサージをしてもらい、ママと一緒にヨガのポーズを取りながらバランス良く体を刺激します。赤ちゃんはダイナミックな動きが大好き!! 赤ちゃんの笑顔でママも俄然やる気がでます!
ご注意 :帝王切開をされた方や産後の体調が優れない方は、お医者様に相談した上でクラスにご参加下さい。