マタニティ&産後ヨガ-RYPT85 with 初美
トレース初美のマタニティ&産後ヨガインストラクター養成講座 (全米ヨガアライアンスRYPT85) in Hawaii が、オハナスペースハワイで 8/29~9/4に開催されます! とっても人気の養成講座ですから、すぐに満席になることが予想されます。 お申込はお早めにどうぞ!...

Yoga 101
Are you new to yoga, or want a better understanding of basic yoga postures? Join Ali Warrick for Yoga 101. In this “Intro to Yoga”...

Happy Columbus Day!
No class on Monday, October 12nd.

Happy Labor day
No class - Monday September 7th Happy Labor day!!!

NEW! Original Yoga Sweat Towels!
Which towel do you choose? Monstera? Hibiscus? OSH? They are OHANA SPACE HAWAII-YOGA original yoga sweat towels that were designed by...

Miro Arts
Miro's pictures make people happy and energrtic!!! She is one of Yoga Instractors of OHANA SPACE HAWAII and a gifted painter. She...