Aloha Serena!
Aloha Serena! How sweet♥️ Serena is only 3 months old, but has been practicing yoga for 9 months. How you ask? Prenatal Yoga. Discover...

Work Shop : made in kitchen ~Raw Cosmetic~
カリフォルニアで大人気のMade in kitchen ~Raw Cosmetic~ ついにハワイに上陸! お見逃しなく!

Won! the 2016 Best Honolulu Award !
That is a very honorable thing for us!!! Ohana Space Hawaii Wellness & Beauty Yoga has been selected for the 2016 Best of Honolulu Awards...

健康でキレイなママのために❤️ Mama & Baby YOGAで、妊娠と出産で開いた骨盤を締めてシェイプアップ! 抱っこで疲れた肩や腰をほぐし、深い呼吸で育児ストレスを解消!赤ちゃんと触れ合いながら一緒にヨガを行うことでママとベビーの信頼関係と愛情を高めます。...

マタニティ&産後ヨガ-RYPT85 with 初美
トレース初美のマタニティ&産後ヨガインストラクター養成講座 (全米ヨガアライアンスRYPT85) in Hawaii が、オハナスペースハワイで 8/29~9/4に開催されます! とっても人気の養成講座ですから、すぐに満席になることが予想されます。 お申込はお早めにどうぞ!...

I'm too busy to practice!
Ah, the holidays are here-the hap-happiest season of all! The happiest and for most of us the busiest as well. When we get busy it's...

What is Yoga?
What is Yoga? In sanskrit, the ancient language of India, Yoga means Union. While there are many different styles or ways of practicing...

Happy Columbus Day!
No class on Monday, October 12nd.

Happy Labor day
No class - Monday September 7th Happy Labor day!!!