1. Bring your friend, join any class just for $10- each person. · The offer applies to any classes between June1-30. · Class...

Memorial Day Special 2019 !!!
Memorial Day Special 6 Class Pass for $55-!!! 1 mo. Unlimited All-day Pass for $99-!!! Step 1. Send → your name, Phone # & email...

RESCHEDULED- Workshop : Labor & Birth Yoga. Lead with Haruka 🧘♀️
Labor & Birth Yoga is a workshop for a woman and her partner to learn about natural childbirth and yoga. The class will teach you breathing

Workshop with Haruka Labor & Birth Yoga 🧘♀️
Description Labor & Birth Yoga workshop offers mama + partner a time to learn about natural childbirth, yoga movements, breathing...

Thai Yoga Massage Foundation intensive training lead by Coco Zhang
Reserve your spot HERE!

英国予防医学機関・健康運動指導士協会公認のフェイスエクササイズ指導者養成講座が、今年もOSHヨガアカデミーで開講決定しました! 開講スケジュール:2020年1月21日〜24日 エビデンス [ 医学的根拠 ] に基づいた講座です。...

Aloha 🌺good morning !
Wanted to share this beautiful sunset with you all 😚! とーってもきれいな夕日をシェアさせてください😚今日も素敵な日になりますように!✨ . ハワイでヨガ! ヨガインストラクターに! 2019年 RYT200...