New Sunday Evening Class: Yin Restore
We have added a class to our Sunday Evenings 👉🏽 Yin Restore! Wind down your weekend and enter the new week with a clear and relaxed...

RYT200 - 4期スタートしました!
OSH YOGA ACADEMY 全米ヨガアライアンス ヨガインストラクター養成講座 RYT200 2018年上半期がスタートしました! 約1ヶ月間、ヨガ漬けの日々が始まります。 楽しく学びの多い毎日になりますように 全力でサポートしていきますからね...

Closed Memorial Day 5/28
Attn: We will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday May 28th. We hope you enjoy your weekend and may it be filled with memories and peace ~ 💙

New class announcement: Gentle Yoga Class !
Great for beginners and seniors! This class moves slowly and deliberately through a gentle sequence of postures that help you stretch,...

Weekly Schedule 5/21-5/27
We hope everyone had a lovely weekend and is ready for the week ahead! 🤗💙 #weeklyschedule

Good morning stretches ☀️☀️☀️
Join Joah for a full yoga practice on Saturday mornings 9:15-10:25!

New Weekday Evening Class Schedule!
IMPORTANT SCHEDULE UPDATE! We are changing our evening schedule starting JUNE 1st! All weekday evening classes will start 6-7:15pm (the...

Immersive Breathwork Workshop
Sunday, May 6th 6-7:30pm This breathwork is designed to take you on an immersive emotional journey. Inhale. Exhale. Achieve mental...

ZENREST Workshop
Saturday, May 5th 6-7:30pm This workshop is perfect to those new to meditation. It is simple, relaxing, yet powerful and effective! Your...

Very Special Weekend Workshops!
We’ve paired up with @zenfinitelounge to bring you two very special workshops this weekend! 👉🏽 ZEN REST May 5th 6-7:30pm 👉🏽...